Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Error Messages

I need help with the following error messages found in my Error Log
2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 Getpage: bstat=0x9, sstat=0x4000, cach
2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 pageno is/should be: objid is/should be
2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 (1:25328)/(1:25328) 0/44297864
2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 ... IAM indicates that page is allocated to this objec
2003-11-12 09:34:51.18 spid276 Error: 605, Severity: 21, State:
2003-11-12 09:34:51.18 spid276 Attempt to fetch logical page (1:25328) in database 'tempdb' belongs to object '0', not to object '#tblMaxSourceDate___________________________________________________________________________________________________000100000544'.
2003-11-12 09:37:19.12 spid262 Error: 823, Severity: 24, State:
2003-11-12 09:37:19.12 spid262 I/O error (bad page ID) detected during read at offset 0x00000000bc4000 in file 'x:\mssql2000\MSSQL\data\tempdb.mdf'.
Here is what has been done so far. This is on a clustered server. We have replaced both the controllers and the backplane in the shared drive array. We have also completely turned off write cacheing on the controllers. We have also stopped services so that tempdb would be recreated when we started back up, hoping to get rid of the errors that way. The only thing I can now guess is that one of the drives in the striped array must have some bad sectors. These errors have been occuring sporadically for over a week. Sometimes Error 625 is sprinkled in with the above errors. I am at a loss
Can anyone think of anything else that I might be missing?From google, these two errors are most probabily disk
problems. Check the disk of tempdb resides.
>--Original Message--
>I need help with the following error messages found in my
Error Log.
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 Getpage: bstat=0x9,
sstat=0x4000, cache
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 pageno is/should be:
objid is/should be:
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 (1:25328)/(1:25328)
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.17 spid276 ... IAM indicates that
page is allocated to this object
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.18 spid276 Error: 605, Severity:
21, State: 1
>2003-11-12 09:34:51.18 spid276 Attempt to fetch logical
page (1:25328) in database 'tempdb' belongs to object '0',
not to
object '#tblMaxSourceDate__________________________________
>2003-11-12 09:37:19.12 spid262 Error: 823, Severity:
24, State: 2
>2003-11-12 09:37:19.12 spid262 I/O error (bad page ID)
detected during read at offset 0x00000000bc4000 in
file 'x:\mssql2000\MSSQL\data\tempdb.mdf'..
>Here is what has been done so far. This is on a
clustered server. We have replaced both the controllers
and the backplane in the shared drive array. We have also
completely turned off write cacheing on the controllers.
We have also stopped services so that tempdb would be
recreated when we started back up, hoping to get rid of
the errors that way. The only thing I can now guess is
that one of the drives in the striped array must have some
bad sectors. These errors have been occuring sporadically
for over a week. Sometimes Error 625 is sprinkled in with
the above errors. I am at a loss.
>Can anyone think of anything else that I might be missing?

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